How to create a customer

To create a customer you must follow the following steps:

Step 1: This can be done through several menus, as 'Contacts' or Point of Sale, but we will give you the example of the menu 'Sales'. Access the Sales>Orders> Customers> Create menu.



Choose between the Individual or Company option.


Step 2: Fill in all the Address and TIN fields, taking into account that the TIN, city, zip code and country fields are mandatory for invoice validation (ensure that no spaces are left in the filling as they invalidate the creation of invoices / guides).


Step 3: Make sure that the Email field is properly filled in, as it is mandatory for sending invoices.



Step 4: Within the Addresses and Contacts tab, you can define new contacts associated with the created one, (for example: Administrative, Financial, Technical, etc.) and / or define several addresses, such as billing addresses, addresses for cargo and material unload. Just click on the Create button, fill in the fields and click on Save and Close or Save and Create if you want to add another contact.



Step 5: Within the Sales and Purchases tab, you have the option to define whether it is a customer or a supplier, or both. You can define the salesperson responsible for that customer. By associating a salesperson with a customer, it facilitates internal control. You can add the internal reference field for assigning an alphanumeric code to the customer. It allows to identify the payment terms and the fiscal position.




Step 6: Within the Accounting / Invoicing tab, you have the possibility to identify the bank accounts associated with the customer.



Step 7: After filling in all the fields, click on Save to create the new customer.


Note: In the upper right corner, you have an overview of the customer, with quick access to meetings, supplier invoices, purchases, accounts and tasks. If you click, for example, on the POS button, you will be redirected to a new page with all the POS orders from that customer. To return to the previous page, click on the client in the upper left corner


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